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Lopatica turbine reaktivnega motorja Slovenija

Čudesa turbinskih lopatic 

Turbinske lopatice so življenjska sila letalskega motorja. OBT jet engine blade se lahko zdi, da se v majhnem, relativnem smislu nanaša na druge elemente za motor.

Turbinske lopatice

Te turbinske lopatice niso tipični kosi kovine; so lahke stvari, izdelane iz materialov, ki prenesejo visoke temperature, ki nastanejo med zgorevanjem v motorju, in se morajo hitro vrteti v motorju. Vrteči se, pritrjen OBT jet engine turbine disc kroži do 10,000 vrtljajev na minuto, kar pomeni dovolj moči, ki jo proizvede dvajset mišičnih avtomobilov. 

Zakaj izbrati turbinsko lopatico reaktivnega motorja OBT?

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Kemična sestava

Turbine blades live a tough life inside of the engine, where they endure high temperatures and corrosion to daily wear. Wear on the blades can lead to higher fuel consumption, lower performance or even catastrophic failure. In order to study the health of these crucial parts, researchers need expensive tools such as X-ray imaging, electron microscopes and laser surface. These tools give turbo turbine wheel the ability to peek into the crystalline structure and chemical composition of their blades, which reveals any impurities and helps guide even more durable blade designs.

Izbor materialov

Anything related to turbine blade would be difficult in terms of material therein. A wide variety of material options with different strengths and melting points are used for manufacturing blades which makes an engineering change required to work within the engine most efficiently. This is why the perfect rotor blade turbine material has to be extremely strong, rust resistant and should not loose its edge heat tolerance for it to function efficiently.


Zdi se, da bo prihodnost turbinskih lopatic revolucionirala s tehnologijo. 3D-tiskanje je predstavilo vznemirljive nove možnosti za zelo zapletene geometrije rezil, ki jih prej ni bilo mogoče ustvariti.

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